Blackjack Solution

Simple text solutions for all the levels. Perfect for collecting all the achievements with ease.

Kaggle blackjack solutionThese instructions should be pretty simple to understand. Basically you need to look at the solution list which has been provided and then arrange the cards in game so that they match the solution in reading order.

For example, if the solution list said: 3, -4, 2, -6, -2, -5, You would arrange the cards like this:

1: 5, 3, 6
2: 3, 2, 9
3: 5, 2, 8
4: 7, 6, 2
5: 10, 3, 9
6: 2, 3, 4, 5
7: 3, 5, 2, 4
8: 6, 3, 2, 4
9: 9, 5, 3, 2
10: 7, 9, 2, 3
11: K, 10, -A
12: A, 9, -A
13: Q, -6, 5
14: A, 6, -4
15: Q, A, -A
16: 4, 8, 2, -A
17: 7, -6, 4, -4
18: -9, A, 3, -7
19: K, 3, -K, 2
20: 3, -A, 4, Q
21: 8, 6, -2, -4, -6
22: 7, -9, 4, -8, Q
23: A, 4, -2, -A, -5
24: 3, -Q, -7, 6, -4
25: 3, A, -A, J, -6
26: -2, -4, -5, -6, A, 3
27: 8, A, 2, -3, -K, -4
28: -K, -7, 5, K, -6, 8
29: 5, -5, -9, -2, 2, -A
30: 2, -5, -4, -2, -6, 3
31: -J, -4, 6, -5, -7, 9
32: -8, 2, -5, -K, 4, 6
33: A, -8, -A, 3, 2, -9
34: A, 7, -J, -3, 5, 2
35: -8, -9, 3, 4, 7, -6
36: 5, 6, -4, 3
37: -3, -8, 7, A
38: A, -8, 9, 4
39: Q, -6, 2, -A
40: -J, 6, -5, 7
41: 6, 7, -2, -5, Q, -A
42: 2, -A, -4, -8, 4, -5
43: -9, 3, 7, -3, -8, 6
44: -6, -9, A, 7, Q, -8
45: 8, -9, 7, 2, 3, -6
46: -A, -4, -5, -3, -K, 7
47: 6, 9, -2, -4, 5, -Q
48: 3, -8, -A, 8, 7, 6
49: -7, -8, J, -J, 2, 5
50: -9, 8, A, -3, -7, -K
SolutionBlackjack Solution

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but remember it didn't work for the rabbit. ~ R.E. Shay

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TWO: Not Playing Perfect Basic Strategy.

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Kaggle Blackjack Solution

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