Diaries With Time Slots

Diaries With Time Slots

I recently finished registering my timetable, and so far, it has gone my way. Woohoo! I’m a little worried on Mondays, as it is full of tutorials back-to-back. But it’s fine! They finish five minutes before the actual time. So, I have plenty of time to power walk to my next class. Hahaha.

As a music student, it’s probably different for us, compared to the other faculties… maybe. We have already scheduled lectures in our timetable, as we have only have one time slot for each of our lectures. So, I didn’t have to worry about it this morning. But for all of the other subjects, I do have to focus that one bit in the morning. I’m still awake, even though I should go back to sleep; I’m still drowsy, and still in my PJs. Hahaha. I wish I took a screenshot of what my timetable looked like before I registered, but I was focused on registering my Psychology Lectures and Tutorials firstly.

Combining a schedule with time slots and a to-do list if you prefer to only schedule out your actual appointments and work on your to-dos in the blank space around those appointments. Next up is the “Day Schedule, To-Do List and Notes”: Again, we have the daily schedule with time slots and to-do list combo, but there is also a notes section. Half Hourly Time Slots from 9.00am. Our price £12.99. 2020 A4 Page A Day Case bound Hardback Appointment Desk Diary with Times. The diary sheet should start at the time you get up and end at the time you go to bed. It’s useful to split the diary sheet into hourly segments and then each hour into 10 minute slots. So, your diary sheet should look something like this: Obviously, you should change the layout of the diary sheet to fit your day. The percentage of complete diaries with no activities missing is 82,18. This percentage corre-sponds to 7088 diaries of both assigned days across cohort members. Only 1537 diaries have activity not reported for one or more slots. The total number of Cohort Members that competed the time use diary is 4642.

What I always register first is my breadth subject. The reason why for this is because there’s thousands of students doing that breadth subject. Therefore, my priorities were firstly registering my breadth subject, which is MBB2 (Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2). Registering is easy. You click ‘change’, then you click the time slots that you want on the timetabling web. There’s millions of time slots you can register. So, make sure you double check if you selected the right one. Then lastly, I register my music subjects. In the con, there’s a 150 first year music students, so I don’t really worry about it too much on registering my music subjects. Unlike Science, and the others, they would have to stress a lot on timetabling day (thousands of students from their faculty trying to register). :

Next semester’s timetable is different than I thought it would be; I couldn’t schedule the same time slots like Semester 1. So, I have to have my subjects back-to-back to make room for work, and have a day off. Mmm… sweet back-to-back timetable. This is what my timetable looks like…

Diaries With Time Slots Video Poker

But actually it’s going to be like this…

Purple – Practising
Red – Music Performance 2
Black – Work
Green – Level 2 Subject (Tutorial) [Alexander Technique]
Pink – Aural Studies
Yellow – Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2
Light Blue – Baroque and Classical Studies

So, as you can see, it’s jam packed with practising mostly, and it’s crammed! Hahaha.
Music students – less contact hours, but hours of practising, and trying to study as well. Hahahahaha.

Practising is going to be different this time. I expect that I have to focus more than Semester 1, as I need to use my time wisely now. Two hours is not enough. Three is enough for me. Therefore, it’s going to be a challenge in getting my expected practising hours up. Oh well.

For those who are stressing, and needed something to relate to, this is what I was thinking before, during, and after registering my classes:

8:00AM – wakes up from a stressing dream about being late about registering my classes
“OH my god. What’s the time? Oh…”
*Goes back to sleep, while ignoring my cat knocking at my door*

8:40AM – Alarm rings

8:50AM – Alarm rings again
“Fineeeee, I’ll get up”

Diaries With Time Slots Games

8:50AM until onwards
“Waitingg. OH 9AM! *Refresh*”

*Click change to edit my timetable*
“Uhh… did I click the right time slots?”
*scrolls up*
“Yes I did. DONE.”

“Should I change my time slots?”
“NO. YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE. NO CHANGIES. Drowsy you is not good at making decisions”
“Okay.” *clicks class*

Diaries With Time Slots Online

Friend: Hey, do you want to go in [this slot for tutorials]
Me thinking: Please don’t make me change my mind about my timetable please. Hahaha. Today, is not the day to get influenced by any body. God, it’s like another lecture on Free Will from MBB1 all over again. Sorry buddy, not going to change it. Hahaha.

*After 10 minutes of registering*
“DONNEEEE. Go back to sleep?”
“My beautiful back-to-back timetable. So beautiful. :”) HAHHAA”
*Friends messaging me about questions on timetables and subjects*
“I wanna go back to sleep please, but I want to be a good, helping friend, so why not?”
“Google and Handbook is your best friend”
“Student notices about registering is on the Student portal”
“Sometimes assuming about timetabling is probably the right thing to do.”
“I’m happy to help you in how to register, but there’s a how to tutorial on how to register your subjects. Hahhahaa”

*After a good half hour, or 45 minutes of discussing their issues about timetabling*
“I can finally go back to sleep. Wait… maybe I should do some blogging about timetabling.”

*Writes blog for another 45 minutes?*
“Okay, done. Oh dear, look at the time. Eh. Whatever, I’ll take a 30 minute nap. Goodnight world!”

Alrighty, I can finally go back to sleep. Goodnight, and have fun in registering your classes!

– Nicole

Music suggestion for this post for those who…

have clashes – “Forget You by Cee Lo Green”
have nice, looking, successfully scheduled timetables – “U Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer”
were stressing about timetabling – “Under Pressure by Queen”
are still registering their timetables – “Benny Hill by The Edwin Davids Jazz Band”