Spencer Reid Gambling Fanfic
Spencer Reid Fanfiction
Aaron hotchner cm criminal minds fanfiction david rossi derek morgan dr spencer reid emily prentiss jennifer jareau mgg spencer reid fanfic spencer reid imagine. Morgan tried to dial Reid's cell phone again, but after it rang a few times it went to voicemail. He didn't bother leaving another message, he'd already left three. The problem with the Las Vegas Strip was that it was literally a collection of dozens of casinos, all right next to each other.
I lay on my back, I didn’t know how long I had been here. It could have been days, weeks, months. The man who had taken me had tied me a bed in a dark room with no windows. Every few hours he would allow me to use the bathroom and to eat a small amount of food. For a kidnapper, he was taking quite good care of me. He didn’t hit me, touch me in anyway and I didn’t understand why he had taken me.
From the research I had been doing on serial killers, I discovered that most people abducted are murdered within the first couple of hours and are usually tortured brutally. So why hadn’t this guy killed me yet? Unless It was for a ransom, which he would have demanded already…
Even though I am terrified and I’m unaware of what my fate may be, a part of me still needs and wants to find out why this guy has kidnapped me. I’m just a regular college student, studying criminology and Forensic-Psychology, a normal twenty three year old girl. I have a loving family, who aren’t rich but can afford for more luxuries than most people. None of my family is of high authority like police or anything like that. So why has this man kidnapped me and not murdered me yet?
My parents would have noticed I was gone the second I didn’t come home without telling them that I would be going somewhere. My parents would be worried and have most likely contacted the police right away. It’s not common for a girl to go missing in the suburbs of Chicago and when somebody does, everybody’s looking. So there is a possibility that I will be found before this guy does anything but still, what does he want from me?
I know that there has recently been a case in missing college students who turn up dead weeks after they’ve been abducted found raped and tortured. But those murders took place in California, a few months ago. Why would this guy move to the other side of the country and why hasn’t he done anything to me yet? It has been my dream since I was kid to join the FBI, I always wanted to catch the bad guys. It became even more my ambition when my God mother got recruited for the FBI as a technical analyst for the BAU. I used to love when she visited, showing me her badge and telling me about all the bad guys she and her team had caught. I haven’t seen her in a year or so, I guess she’s just been busy with her job and her life she had forgotten to visit.
But my ‘Aunt’ Penny couldn’t be the reason this man has kidnapped me. Yeah sure, she works for the FBI as a serial killer profiler but that doesn’t mean he knows I’m in any way connected to her, unless he had access to my birth certificate. So far I still don’t have a clue as to why this man has abducted me.
I was beginning to get frustrated with being tied to a bed, I’m the type of person who needs freedom and is not to be kept on a leash I swallowed, maybe I should try and communicate with this guy, figure him out and find out what he wants. “Hello?” I called out, trying my best not to show any fear. If this guy is a sadist, he’ll get off on me being afraid. The door of the room opened and he walked in. He was young, and even though it disgusts me to say it, handsome. He walked with confidence and was most likely a ladies man. “Yes?” he asked, charm lingering around him. This was new, he wasn't normally this confident.
“Why did you take me?” I asked, trying my best to mask my emotions. If he was going to kill me, I would go down with a fight and I would not, under any circumstances, give him what he wanted. He laughed darkly, “Because pretty girls like you need to be taught a lesson when they tease but don’t give” he said. I looked at him, in shock. I had never saw this man in my whole entire life until he kidnapped me. “ I've never met you in my life before this” I told him. He slapped me. “Don’t lie to me, bitch!” he roared. “I see the way you look at me, teasing me, you try to seduce me. But now it’s my turn” he said, his voice getting gentler as he ended. I froze, he was going to rape me. He was going to take the main thing I valued of myself, the one thing that’s supposed to be given to that special someone I marry. My virginity.
He pulled my t-shirt up, and undid the button of my skinny jeans. I screamed and kicked him as hard as I could, there was no way in hell was this guy teaching me. I kicked and I punched, and I knew that I was hurting him. He threw me to the ground, his face red in anger, “Your going to pay for that little bitch!” he roared. He began beating me, kicking me in the face, the stomach, standing on my back. I'm petite and very slim. He was doing a lot of damage to me and although the pain was excruciating I would not cry, I would not give this man any pleasure in what he was doing to me. I would rather die.
After a few hours of beating, he thankfully got bored and left the house, probably to go get drunk. He left me lying on the floor, thinking I was too weak to move. I dragged myself across the floor and over to the old telephone sitting on a musty old table. I grabbed it and dialled my aunt Penny’s number, knowing that the police would not be able to handle this serial situation. She picked up within two rings. “FBI Behavioural Analyst Unit, Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia speaking” she said, with fake professionalism. I knew that she normally answered the phone with witty sayings. “Aunt Penny, it’s me, Grace. The guy who has been kidnapping those college kids got me. Track the call, send someone over. Please Aunt Penny, he’s going to kill me. He tried to rape me but I hit him. So he hit me. Please Aunt Penny I just wanna go home” I wailed, finally letting the sobs shake through my body.
“Gracie? Hunny stay with me, okay. My team and I are here in Chicago, working this case. Your mom and dad called me as soon as you went missing. My team are on their way to you.” she said, her voice getting hysterical. I could hear her fingers hitting the keys fast and her shouting for Derek. “Gracie, if he comes back, pretend to be passed out. The team are on there way. I have to go but I love you sweetie. I’ll see you in a few stay strong my sweetheart” she soothed. “I love you too aunt Penny” I sobbed. I hung up the phone and crawled back to where I was and lay there, silently crying, hoping that the police would arrive soon. That’s when I heard the sound of his truck, pulling into the driveway. I froze, but did what aunt Penny told me and pretended to be out cold.
He walked into the stinking room, grunting at my lifeless figure on the ground, he gave me a forceful kick as he walked past, and went into the bathroom. I bit my lip as he kicked me, trying not to whimper or yell. The police would be here soon, I’m getting out of here was all I kept repeating in my head.
Once he was done in the bathroom, he came out and leant beside me. “Stupid little whore” he muttered. “Now it’s time I had my fun with you” he said, his cruel laughter echoing in the trampy house. I stayed as still as possible. He turned me over and went to lift my top and unbutton my jeans again. That’s when the door was kicked down and entered a guy who I guessed was Derek, he looked like my aunt described. Other agents entered with a squat, holding the man in front of me at gun point. “STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL” Derek yelled. The man backed away from me and went to run through the back door when another agent opened it and knocked him to the ground, shoving hand cuffs roughly on him.
One of the agents lifted me and carried me out to an ambulance He was tall, awkward and absolutely gorgeous. “Thank you” I whispered to him as he got into the ambulance with me. He smiled sadly, “Your welcome” he said, as the paramedics took me into their care. He held my hand the whole journey to the hospital.
I must have fell asleep in the ambulance, I thought as I woke out of a sleep. By my bed side was my Aunt Penny and my parents. As soon as I woke up, my mother was hugging me. “Oh Gracie, thank god!” she said, her eyes filled with tears. I tried to smile but I couldn’t bring myself to. I didn’t have the energy or the will to reassure anybody that I was fine, because I wasn’t fine and I couldn’t even be bothered with lying to them. Why should I? Who would be fine after being kidnapped, beaten and almost raped? What type of person would you have to be to feel fine after that? “Sweetie are you okay?” My dad asked. I shook my head, “No dad, I’m not okay. I’m sore, I’m hurt and I don’t even know what my life is any more I said, bursting into tears. My mother began to cry also and had to leave the room. My father followed her, a torn look on his face. “I’m sorry you have to go through this baby girl” my aunt Penny said, cuddling me. I sobbed into her chest until I had no more tears to cry. And while I did so, she whispered soothing words to me and stroked my hair.
My parents didn’t return, I guess they weren’t used to seeing their strong, independent daughter so broken and fragile. But to be honest, I could have used their support right now. They were distancing themselves from me, it was like they were scared I was going to break any second, even though it was a possibility that I could, I didn’t like how cautious they were being around me.
My aunt Penny released me from her embrace, “Okay hunny, one of the team members need to interview you and unfortunately I’m not qualified to do so. But don’t worry, my team are lovely and you will be fine with them in the room” she told me, wiping the tears off my cheeks. I nodded, not being able to answer her. She kissed my cheek and left the room to get one of her team members. A few minutes passed and Dr Spencer Reid entered the room. He was exactly how Aunt Penny described, tall, awkward and the intelligence just seemed to radiate from him, although not in a ‘hey I’m a smart ass’ sort of way. Not to mention he was incredibly handsome and I found myself being drawn to him, even though the symptoms of being raped or almost raped would be to repel men. However, with this beautiful genius, it was not the case. I wonder how I didn’t notice that he was Reid in the ambulance I guess I was still in shock. He cleared his throat, “Hey Gracie, I’m Dr Spencer Reid. I need to interview you for evidence” he explained. I nodded, again not being able to speak. “I’m going to walk you through an exercise which will help you remember everything that happened while you were kidnapped, are you comfortable with that?” he asked, sitting down in front of me. I thought about it for a moment, did I really want to relive all that again? No, to be honest I didn’t but if this is going to get that scumbag behind bars then I would do it, not just for myself but for the families of those he murdered.
I nodded my approval and he smiled awkwardly at me. “Okay well I’m going to need you to close your eyes, if you would like to hold my hand it’s fine, it can be frightening to relive these memories” he said, as I closed my eyes. I reached out my hand which was enclosed in a rather large, bony hand and I was instantly comforted. He cleared his throat again, “Wh-where were you last before you were kidnapped?” he asked, stuttering slightly. I breathed deeply before replying, “I had been driving on my way home from my friends, when I had stopped to get snacks. I was coming out of the grocery store when he grabbed me from behind. He put a cloth over my face which was smeared with some sort of drug which knocked me out.” He squeezed my hand comfortably. “Okay, where did you wake up?” he asked.
I swallowed hard as I found myself trapped in the hell I lived in for three weeks. “I woke up tied to a bed, he had brought me to his house. He had left me there for hours. Then he came in. He was shy, he seemed sort of remorseful for kidnapping me. He gave me some food, water and let me go to the bathroom. He took pretty good care of me, until I decided to question him. That was the day you guys came and got me” I said, swallowing.
Again, Reid squeezed my hand in comfort. “Okay, so what happened after?” he asked softly. “I was getting frustrated with being tied to the bed. So I called out, wondering if he would reply. He came to the room, but this time he was different” I replied, scrunching my eyebrows up as I lived through this for the second time. Reid cleared his throat slightly, “How was he different?” he asked. “He was a more confident, he was normally very shy” I replied. “Okay, continue, what was your reply to him?” again, I was trapped in my memories. “I asked him why he took me. He said he took me because pretty girls like me needed to be taught a lesson when they tease but don’t give. I was confused. I told him that I had never seen him before and he started to get angry, saying that I was lying” I continued, the fear was paralysing me.
Reid held both of my hands, trying to soothe me. “What happened after that..” he asked, needing for me to continue. I let out a shaky breath. “He pulled up my t-shirt, a-and started to un-button my jeans” I replied, tears starting to pour out of my eyes. Reid held my hands tighter. “I kicked and screamed, trying to get him off me. Then he began to hit me back” I sobbed. “T-he pain was unbearable, it was awful” I choked. Reid pulled me into his arms, comforting me. I sobbed into his chest, terrified.
I opened my eyes to see the worry in his. “Your safe now Gracie, he’s not going to hurt you” he whispered, brushing the tears off my face. I nodded, cuddling into him. He began to comfort me in the only way he knew how. He began to whisper me poems until I fell asleep, safely in his arms.
A few hours later, I woke up. Much to my disappointment, Reid wasn’t by my bed. Instead, my parents took his place, and they looked like they had something to say. I smiled weakly at them, my earlier annoyance at them still fresh. “Gracie-bear” my dad greeted, hugging me. I hugged him back, knowing he was softening me up for whatever they had to say to me. “Your mother and I have been talking and we think it would be better for you if you stayed with your aunt Penelope for the next couple of months. There is nobody better than her and her team to help you through this recovery” he announced, nervously. I thought about it for a moment or two. Living with my aunt Penelope could give me a lot of options to be able to achieve more than I would at home. I nodded at my dad, “That seems like a good idea” I replied. He sighed in relief. “Well, you should be discharged tomorrow and then you can go and live with your Aunt Penny” he told me, kissing my forehead. I smiled weakly and fell back into a sleep full of nightmares.
“Gracie, c’mon hun it’s time for you to go home!” I heard my aunt Penny whisper softly. I opened my eyes and sat up, pulling myself out of the hospital bed. “I’m being discharged today?” I asked. She nodded and passed my clothing. “You get changed my love, I’ll be outside in the lobby with you’re parents and the team!” she told me. I nodded and went into the bathroom which was connected to my hospital room.
I changed into a pretty blue floral summer dress and some strappy sandals, my aunt had left my make-up bag in the bathroom, knowing I would want to cover the faded bruises on my face. I sighed, washing my face and brushing my teeth before attempting to cover the purple, blue marks that flawed my usually blemish free skin. I quickly put on the make-up which surprisingly hid the bruises and gathered all of my things up into the large grip bag that my aunt had left for me. I draped a pretty knitted cardigan around myself, not sure of the weather outside. I made the bed and double checked I had everything before I left my hospital room for hopefully the last time. As I passed the doctor and nurses that took care of me, I stopped and thanked them one last time before heading to the stairs and making my way to the lobby. Elevator’s were a fear of mine.
Spencer Reid Gambling Fanfiction

I walked into the lobby to see my parents, my aunt and a team of FBI agents waiting for me. They all shot me a smile once they noticed my presence. I gave them a small smile in return. “Okay Gracie-bear, you’re mother and I will be come back in a few days with all of the stuff you need from home. Aunt Penny has already processed you’re transfer to the University of Quantico” my dad explained. “Stay safe, we love you sweetheart” my mother added, both of them wrapping me in a hug and kissing my forehead. I smiled, “I love you guys too, have a safe trip back” I told them as they walked out of the hospital, stopping to wave at me one last time before disappearing in the car park. I sighed, turning to aunt Penny and her team.
I was about to say something when a very important and powerful looking man stepped in front of me. Everything about to him from his military cut hair to his crisp suit screamed respect and power and I found myself fearing this man. He smiled at me. “Grace, it’s a pleasure to meet you, although I wish they were in better circumstances. You’re aunt has told me all about you. My name is Aaron Hotchner and I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment, alone?” he asked, in a gentle tone that I was not expecting. I blinked, so this was Aaron Hotchner, otherwise known as Hotch. I smiled, and tried to hid my confusion as to why he would want to talk to me. “Yes, that would be alright” I confirmed and the others suddenly disappeared.
“You know Grace, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what you went through and I’m so sorry you had to go through it. But you showed strength and potential, something we look for in future BAU agents. You are an incredible and intelligent young lady and I was wondering, if you would consider joining the BAU for an internship. We’re going to be loosing one of our agents, Emily Prentiss as she is leaving for another job and we need somebody to fill the spot. You will continue with you’re education of course but as it is you’re last year and you spend most of it on a work placement anyway, I thought it would be beneficial for you to have an experience with the FBI, since you’re aunt told me it is a dream of your’s to be a BAU agent” he explained.
I looked it him in complete awe. If anything I was expecting him to question me further about the kidnapping, never in a million years was I expecting him to offer me a job at the BAU. He was right, it was my dream and had been since I was a little girl. He chuckled at my expression, you didn’t need to be profiler to tell I was shocked. I nodded, “Yes, of course I would love to have a chance to work with the BAU!” I practically screamed. He smiled. “Once you graduate from University, it will become a permanent job if you would like. And you will receive a training course in which you will be taught basic self defence and will be practising how to use a gun before you take the test” he explained further. I couldn’t fight the grin that was making it’s way on my face. “Thank you so much Mr Hotchner, it truly is such a dream to even be offered a chance at this job!” I told him. He smiled, “Please, call me Hotch, everyone else on the team does and since you will be joining us, you may as well call me it too” he told me, leading me outside to where the others we waiting.
My aunt Penelope ran towards me and enveloped me in a hug. “I am so excited that we are going to be working together! You will love working with the BAU, of course you will be doing so much more than I will because I’m just an analyst but I can promise you that you’re expectations will not be left disappointed!” she gushed. I giggled at her, surprised I could even understand what she was saying because of how fast she was talking. “Hey, slow down baby girl and catch a breath before you pass out!” Derek told my aunt. She continued to babble to herself as I met the rest of the team. “So this is Jennifer Jareau, otherwise known as JJ” Hotch told me as he gestured to a beautiful blonde lady with a kind smile. “It’s lovely to meet you Gracie” she told me, pulling me into a hug. I grinned, there was a reason as to why she was one of my aunt’s best friends. He proceeded to introduce me to everyone on the team. Emily, who was very much like JJ although I could tell she had more of a feisty stubborn personality and I knew we would get along even if she was leaving for London in a short while. Rossi, who was like the grandfather I never got to meet, I knew that if I spent more time with him, which I would being on the team and all, that we would become very close. I already knew Derek and Aunt Penny. “And last but not least, Dr Spencer Reid, who I believe you have already met” Hotch introduced. I blushed and smiled at the beautiful genius in front of me. He returned the smile with one of his own. “It’s lovely to see you again Gracie” he greeted. “You too Spencer” I returned.
Aunt Penny and I left, stopping at a chinese take out place and then heading back to her cosy apartment which I now shared with her. We chatted to each other as we walked into the apartment when a figure, sitting on the sofa had me screaming with delight. “HOPE!” I screamed, running towards my childhood best friend who had moved away when we were thirteen. I knew she lived in Virginia but not this close to my aunt! Hope chuckled at me and hugged me tightly. “I’ve missed you so much” I admitted, grinning at her. She grinned back at me “me too!” she told me, pulling me on the couch next to her. “Alright, so I think it’s time for a ladies night in and it shall be spent watching Harry Potter and stuffing our faces with chinese food until we burst. Who’s with me?!” My aunt asked and we cheered, all of us kicking off our shoes and grabbing a carton of chinese food to munch on while we waited on Aunt Penny turning on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, our all time favourite movie.
Spencer Reid Gambling Fanfiction
Unexpectedly Expecting Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic. Unexpectedly Expecting Hatochiiai a.k.a.
Ahmose Inarus Disclaimer: No own. Piss off. SLASH WARNING (what else?) This fic, like the X-Files, is an AU of an AU. Chapter 1 A man sat in a car, watching a building across the street. Hotch stood there in the doorway of his home, looking at the person on his doorstep and thinking 'oh lord… not now.'Come Daylight Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic. A/N: This is an AU in which cis men can get pregnant.
Spencer Reid Poker Fanfic
I'm asking you to suspend disbelief surrounding the science of such, and the affect that pregnant cis men would have on the structure of gender and society. Basically the world is the same, but men can get pregnant. I know it can be hard to just switch off from reality, but this is a for-fun fic. This is likely to be fluffy, tropey, clichéd, light, silly, cute, soapy, maybe a tag angsty, but it's just for fun. In this AU JJ and Prentiss are still part of the team, but Seaver is also part.Lest test that gene out chapter 1 the gene, a criminal minds fanfic. Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid was the last two at the bar they both been knocking one drink after another and now Spencer was seeing two Derek Morgan 'I think I've had enough, when I start seeing one of you again I know I'm okay.
' Spencer said banging his head against the bar, Morgan laughed 'We better get you home pretty boy.' He smiled as he stood up from the door a little less drunk that his friend, enough that he can only see one Spencer and can walk 'I think we need a cab.' He smiled picked up the dunking man, Morgan has got Reid to come out and chill for a few hours stop thinking and relax have some fun and Reid did just that and now he is in a state where he will do something he could regret, 'Do you know that I have a rare gene that could get me pregnant I mean I never tested it out to find out if it works or not, buuuuuuuuut if that is the case Morgan it mean I can't have kids the normal way.' 'Really wow full of surprises you are.
'Improbability Chapter 1: Shark Week and Jeopardy, a criminal minds fanfic. The Early Bird Catches the Worm Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic. This is a birth fic for my friend Buka2000 who just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
While events in Reid's Secret have partially led up to this or the events in this story, this is NOT part of the story and won't be considered as such. You can consider it a sneak peak into the birth of Skylar. Enjoy! One more month, Spencer thought to himself. One more and then it'll be over and Skylar will be here and I'll even get to go back to work. 'Spence?' Spencer looked up at his husband. 'Baby?' Spencer shook his head, 'Sorry, just day dreaming I guess. 'About twenty minutes ago. Spencer blushed a little, 'I couldn't sleep. Derek chuckled softly and put his hand on Spencer's 8 month belly.
Spencer shook his head, 'I finally managed to get him to sleep, but I knew once I lay down in the bed, he'll wake up and start kicking again because his daddy's not there.'Oh Baby Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic. Author's Note: This story will be an AU/AR.
Please take that into account as you read. Warnings: Strong Language. Adult Situations. Slash(malexmale). Mild Violence. Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, the related characters themes, or situations. Chapter One: Please Enjoy Reid kneaded his head with his fingertips. He hadn't been sleeping well, couldn't seem to keep any food down. 'You alright Pretty Boy?' Reid looked up at Morgan.